
Imagery Training for Faster Time Trials

Imagery Training For Faster Time Trials


What type of imagery do you create?

Do you ever think about your competition or event the night before you compete? Do you imagine what it’s going to be like to jump off the saddle to sprint for the line? If so then you are using imagery.

Some might think of this as daydreaming, but with this specific imagery training audio, then it becomes purposeful, goal specific and an incredibly powerful tool you can use. 

Whether your goal is to improve your technique, ‘rehearse’ your strategy or just relax and recover this imagery can be the big difference between your success or failure.

How does imagery work?

Imagery has the effect of priming muscles for subsequent physical action. It is evident that the neural impulses passed from the brain to the muscular system during imagery may be retained in memory, almost as if the movement had actually occurred.  This has the effect of creating a

mental blueprint that can enhance your performance while racing. Your body reacts as if the

action has really happened – becoming physically stronger and faster while reacting with speed and certainty. 

Using regular, specific imagery training, physical skills can be improved even during periods of injury when physical practice is not possible! There is growing evidence to suggest that a combination of imagery and relaxation can accelerate the rehabilitation process following injury or surgery.

Some Tips to Improve Your Time Trials

  • Because of the need to be as aerodynamic as possible, time trailers are putting themselves in an uncomfortable position. For this reason time-trial racers should stretch their lower back, glutes (your backside) and hamstrings (the back of the thigh) to get the most comfort and fluid movement, making the most of the position held on a time trial bike. Some cyclists are including yoga poses to give them that extra degree of flexibility
  • Get the right gear – Make sure to get the best gear you can afford. Then, (and this may seem obvious, but it’s surprising how it doesn’t happen) ride it frequently. Aim to ride it a few times a week as part of your training
  • Tune your bike up before the race – Make sure that it is race ready
  • Check your tyre pressure, is it right for the road conditions?
  • Make yourself aerodynamic. TT bikes are deesigned to get you in the best position for aerodynamics so practice cycling in that position frequently.  Keep your head up! Not only is it safer, but it is actually more aerodynamic. There’s no “point” in having the rear of your aero helmet sticking up high in the air!
  • Train specific – Include time trial specific training in your program to improve your technique while increasing your power, strength and endurance to perform your fastest possible time
  • Optimum cadence for a time trial is generally 90 to 105, but you must practice this.
  • Practise your starts – Start with your hands in the drops or on the ends of your cow horn bars and your front leg in the 10:00 position
  • Fuel your body – eat a carb-rich meal the night before, (such as a rice or pasta dish) as well as the morning of the race.  
  • Practice and visualize to build confidence in your ability to handle the road, bike and yourself!
  • It has been shown that a shorter warm-up produces less muscle fatigue and a higher peak power. New research shows that the longer the race the shorter the warm-up should be to avoid fatigue during performance


(For further information there’s an excellent article on

 How to use this Audio Session

  • Find a quiet place where you can listen to this CD/MP3 without interruption everyday
  • Pick a time that suits you and commit to it, just as you would a physical training session.  Alot of people find that before going to bed, upon waking, or lunch time are great times to listen to this audio
    For best results, start to listen to this audio at least 2 weeks before your race.

Imagery Training for Faster Time Trials


Imagery Training For Faster Time Trials