You have been preparing your body now prepare your mind!


Whether you are aiming to race your bike to win, finish your first 200km sportive or smash your personal best in an ironman, you can benefit from mental training just as much as physical training.

All endurance athletes who take their sport seriously know that the mind and specifically mental toughness plays a huge role in their ability to be successful in achieving their goals.

That’s why I am introducing this Mental Toughness Workshop for all Endurance Athletes.

The aim is to prepare all level of endurance athletes mentally for the season ahead. It is aimed at:

  • Sportive riders taking on big challenges
  • Racing cyclists
  • Triathletes
  • Marathon runners
  • Ultra cyclists (teams and solo riders in RAI)

Content Includes:

  • Simple and really effective exercises to build mental toughness into your training sessions
  • Powerful techniques used by the pro’s to increase tolerance to pain
  • Mastering FEAR in descending any mountain, riding close to others at all speeds or overcoming thoughts of crashes or failure.

Workshop includes a Free Mental Toughness questionnaire and a Free Mp3 on “The Art of Planning For Endurance Events” (Value €14.99).


When: 28th March 2018

Time: 8pm – 9.30pm

Where: Louis Fitzgerald Hotel

Cost: €30

Early bird: €20 (Up to 21st March)