Alan Heary Business one to oneA once off consultation is a fantastic way to boost your business performance. Whether you are a business owner, manager in a large corporation or a new entrepreneur you will benefit hugely from this service.

It doesn’t matter if you are a complete beginner to business or looking for that extra advantage over your competitors, a one to one Performance Coaching Consultation will get you there.

This session is customized to maximise your success. In this two-hour session I will help you analyse where you are in your business, examine your goals and plot out a detailed path to help you reach those goals.

Your “Once Off” consultation will cover: 

  • Goal Setting
  • Analysis and profiling of strengths and weaknesses
  • Action plan to hit your targets
  • General advice on time and energy management 
  • Motivation

I can absolutely guarantee that you will walk away from this session knowing more about yourself and your performance, with a complete confidence that you can reach your goals!

Duration: Allow 2 hours for your Consultation

Cost: €150

online consultationsOnline Consultations: I currently have clients from different parts of the World so you don’t even need to come to my office. Your one to one Consultation can take place through skype.

Contact me now if you have any questions or if you would like take set up your own one to one consultation. 


I am great says me

by Lorraine